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Company Information
What are the Different Types of Addresses Held For A Company?
How do I Change the Registered Office Address?
How do I add or change the Residential Address?
How do I add or Change the Shareholder Contact Address?
How do I tell what the Existing Service Address for a Officer or PSC is?
View all 17
Authentication Code
What is the Companies House Web Authentication Code?
Why do I need to Provide the Company Authentication Code?
How Do I Get a Reminder of the Existing Companies House Web Authentication Code?
Where is the Web Authentication Code Stored by Inform Direct?
How do I Update the Company Authentication Code that is Stored on Inform Direct?
View all 8
Change Company Name
How Do I Change the Company Name?
What Happens After I Have Changed My Company Name?
How Do I Prepare Draft Documents To Change The Company Name?
How Do I Change the Name of an Existing Company to Something Similar to Another Company?
Companies Limited by Guarantee
What do Membership Certificates Look Like?
How do I Add Members to a Company Limited by Guarantee?
How Do I Create a Membership Class?
How Do I Create Membership Certificates?
How Do I Remove a Member for a Company Limited by Guarantee?
View all 9
Company Details
How Do I Add My PAYE Details?
How Do I Enter a National Insurance (NI) Number in Inform Direct?
How Do I Save My Corporation Tax or UTR Details?
What does the Company Status Mean and how can I Change it?
How Do I Change the Accounting Category?
View all 14
Company Registers
Overview of the Statutory Registers
What Company Registers Does Inform Direct Support?
How Do I View and Access the Statutory Registers?
What do the Statutory Registers look like?
How Do I add Historic Information to the Statutory Registers?
View all 24
Dissolving companies
Overview of Dissolved Companies
How Do I Dissolve (Strike Off) a Company With One or Two Directors?
How do I Dissolve (Strike Off) a Company with Three or More Directors?
Can I stop or restore a Company in the Process of Being Struck Off?
What happens to a Dissolved Company on Inform Direct?
View all 6
Confirmation Statements
What is a Confirmation Statement? (CS01)
How Do I Prepare the Confirmation Statement for Approval Prior to Submission?
When must the Confirmation Statement be filed?
What Fees Do I Pay to File a Confirmation Statement?
What is the Confirmation Date?
View all 29
How Do I Create a Dividend Voucher and Minute?
What Do the Dividend Minutes Look Like?
What Does the Dividend Voucher Look Like?
How Do I Accommodate a Dividend Waiver?
How Do I cancel or remove a Dividend?
View all 9
Accounting Reference Date
How Do I Change the Accounting Reference Date?
How Do I Prepare Draft Documents to Change the Accounting Reference Date?
What is the Accounting Reference Date?
SAIL Addresses
How Do I Set Up a SAIL address?
What Records are Currently Stored at the SAIL Address?
How Do I Change the SAIL Address?
How Do I Record a Change in the Documents Stored at the SAIL Address?
How Do I Remove a SAIL Address?
SIC Codes
How Do I Change or Add a SIC Code (Standard Industrial Classification)
How Do I Update the SIC Code (Standard Industrial Classification Code) that is Shown at Companies House?
Companies House Syncs
How do I remove a duplicate Officer or PSC?
Why do I have a data discrepancy alert?
How do I resolve a residential address discrepancy?
Why do I have a discrepancy with share class information?
How do I resolve a discrepancy with the name of an individual?
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