Inform Direct makes it very easy to prepare an approval (summary) document before filing your Confirmation Statement with Companies House.

Inform Direct provides a great tool to enable all the information contained in a confirmation statement to be approved by a client or colleague prior to submission, if required. 

What does the Inform Direct Confirmation Statement Summary (Approval Document) look like?

Note: This approvals feature is only available to users with a subscription account. Users with a Pay As You Go (PAYG) account will not have this option available although a copy of the information sent to Companies House will be stored in the document library after payment of the filing fee. How do I upgrade to a subscription account?

How to prepare an approval (summary) document for the Confirmation Statement: 

1) Click on the green File confirmation statement button. You will find this on the Dashboard of a company. This will start the Confirmation Statement wizard.

2) You will then see the below screen.

Note: If you do not have the below screen this means that you have not already activated the Express Completion Feature. It is strongly advised to - this is how to do it.

You can either select the check the details step by step and click through the various stages of the wizard, or alternatively you can select the Express completion which will allow you to skip straight to the approval stage.


3)  Once you have either clicked through the various steps, or selected Express completionyou will come to the "Approval required" step.




  • No and you can continue the process and submit the CS01 directly to Companies House without generating an approval (summary) document. 
  • Yes and the Approval required  process begins.

Whether you choose Yes or No click the green Continue button. The remainder of this guide will deal with the process having selected Yes.

What happens once I select 'Yes' at the Approval required stage?

1) You will first have the opportunity to Open and view documents (see below). You can open and view the document either immediately or later. In any event Inform Direct will save the confirmation statement summary to the document library.

How do I Locate a Specific Document in my Document Library?

How Do I Download a Document from the Document Library?

2) Whether you choose Open now or Open later, click on the green Finish button.

3) The Confirmation Statement is now Saved awaiting approval and if you have selected to 'Open now' then your download should commence. When ready, click on the green Finish button. You will be returned to the Dashboard of the company.

I am now ready to file the Confirmation Statement with Companies House - what do I do?

A new Pending Approvals section will have appeared on the Dashboard for the company above the Alerts & Notifications section.

If you click on the yellow pencil icon under Actions you will see 3 options:

  • Complete
  • Edit
  • Remove 



So, if the person who needs to approve the confirmation statement gives you the authority to submit it or you are now simply ready to file then click on Complete.

This will take you to the final stage of the Confirmation wizard where you can simply select the red button to make the submission and file the Confirmation Statement electronically with Companies House. 

Finally, if you create the same document again while there is already a confirmation statement pending Approval then Inform Direct will detect this and show you the below message.

What happens if the client goes and files directly at Companies House?

As you would expect: Inform Direct has anticipated that this might sometimes happen and has a clever solution to avoid any double filing.

Which users can submit or create a pending CS01?

  • Administrators - as they are given access to all areas.
  • Managers - as they are automatically able to submit chargeable Companies House filings.
  • Practitioners - only those that have the ability to submit submit chargeable Companies House filings.