There may or there may not be any fees to pay when filing a confirmation statement using Inform Direct. This guide will address any fees payable to both Inform Direct, and/or, Companies House. 

1) What fees are payable to Inform Direct?

This will entirely depend on which account type you have with Inform Direct:

  • Subscription (Pay monthly)
  • PAYG (Pay As You Go)

Subscription Users: 

If you have a subscription with Inform Direct then there is no fee payable to Inform Direct for preparing a confirmation statement. It is included in your subscription.

What are the benefits of a Subscription Service?

So, if you have a subscription service and the company has already paid one Companies House fee for a confirmation statement then providing the Companies House Payment Period has not expired then you can file as many confirmation statements as you like without any charge.

Note: If any Companies House fee is payable and you do not yet use your own Presenter Code in the software then you will be required to pay the Companies House fee to Inform Direct who in turn will pass on this amount to Companies House.

PAYG Users:

If you do not have a subscription service you will be required to pay the Inform Direct fee to complete each confirmation statement. 

Note: It is not possible to be a PAYG User and use your own Presenter Code. So, if a Companies House fee is payable then you will be required to pay the Companies House fee to Inform Direct who in turn pass on this amount to Companies House. 

2) What fees are payable to Companies House?

If you file the confirmation statement electronically, there is a Companies House fee.

One big change from when there was a need to pay a fee every time an Annual Return was filed is that now Companies House will only levy their fee for electronic filing once a year. What this means is that once you have filed your first confirmation statement you can file further confirmation statements for the remainder of the payment period without charge.

What is the Payment Period?

Why might I file more than one Confirmation Statement per year?

For users with their own Presenter Code, if the Companies House fee is due, then this will be debited from your presenter account in the usual manner.

If you do not have a Presenter Code you will be required to pay us the Companies House fee and we in turn pass on this amount to Companies House.

Note: Before filing a confirmation statement electronically Inform Direct will be able to ascertain whether a payment has been made in a Payment Period and whether a further payment to Companies House is necessary.  The Inform Direct Confirmation Statement wizard will only require a Companies House fee to be paid if it is required.

After the first Confirmation Statement is filed any additional Confirmation Statements filed electronically in a Payment Period do not incur any further Companies House fees.

3) Can I see what the total amount payable will be?

The total amount payable (if any) will be set out on the final step of the confirmation statement wizard as shown below. It details what Companies House fee (if any) and what fee (if any) is payable to Inform Direct.

Note: Whenever a payment is required by Inform Direct you will be invited to settle the amount using a credit or debit card. If you have paid for a service in the last 12 months Inform Direct will remember the card you used and ask if you would like to use it again. You can always add a different card if you would prefer. How do I add new card details?