Authentication Code

What is the Companies House Web Authentication Code?
Your Company Authentication Code (CAC) is a 6 character alphanumeric code provided by Companies House. When your company was formed a letter like the one ...
Tue, 19 Apr, 2022 at 2:02 PM
Why do I need to Provide the Company Authentication Code?
Your Company Authentication Code (CAC) is a 6 character alphanumeric code provided by Companies House. To fully import and indeed manage a company using Inf...
Thu, 20 Feb, 2025 at 1:33 PM
How Do I Get a Reminder of the Existing Companies House Web Authentication Code?
It is easy to get a reminder of the web Authentication Code of any company you are trying to register a company with Inform Direct. At step 2 of the set u...
Tue, 28 Jan, 2025 at 10:33 AM
Where is the Web Authentication Code Stored by Inform Direct?
Inform Direct securely stores the Companies House web Authentication code for each company. For security reasons the 6 digit Authentication Code is encryp...
Tue, 29 Oct, 2024 at 4:11 PM
How do I Update the Company Authentication Code that is Stored on Inform Direct?
If the Companies House Authentication Code has been changed then you will need to update the code that is stored on Inform Direct in order to make submissio...
Tue, 19 Apr, 2022 at 2:24 PM
What if I Do Not Have Access to the Registered Office?
When you form a new Company, Companies House will send the Web Authentication Code by post to the Registered Office.  Inform Direct will advise you of the...
Tue, 19 Apr, 2022 at 2:40 PM
How Do I Change or Cancel my Authentication Code?
Sometimes a company will want to get a completely new Companies House web Authentication Code (CAC), rather than a reminder of the existing code. This w...
Wed, 5 Apr, 2023 at 4:44 PM
Why is My Authentication Code Invalid?
Have you received notification that the Authentication Code stored on Inform Direct for a company is invalid? There is only one reason that this could be....
Tue, 19 Apr, 2022 at 2:54 PM