Sometimes companies may not wish, or be able to, make all (or some) of the company records available for inspection at the Registered Office. Instead, they choose to make them available for inspection and store them elsewhere. In such instances, this location - and the records stored there - must be reported to Companies House. This is known as a SAIL (Single Alternative Inspection Location) Address.
1) Go to the 'Company' tab and click on the blue 'Create SAIL Address' button.
Note: Once a SAIL address has been reported to Companies House it can be quite difficult to remove this altogether (although you can change the address and records stored there). How Do I Remove a SAIL Address?
2) This will take you to the below screen where you enter the address details. You can either:
- Use an existing address. Click on the blue dropdown arrow to see addresses available; or
- Enter a new address using the postcode lookup
When happy, click the green 'Continue' button.
3) The next screen will list 11 different record types. Currently, these will all be showing as held at the companies Registered Office. Click the blue plus sign next to each record that is instead to be held at the SAIL address. This can be all, or a specific selection.
Note: If you make a mistake and selected the blue plus symbol on a record which is not to be held at the SAIL address, you can simply click the red minus symbol to undo this.
In the below example, all Registers and records of resolutions are held at the SAIL address.
When happy, click the green 'Continue' button.
4) Next, is the summary. If you click on the 'View Details' link you will also see a summary of which of the 11 records will be reported to Companies House as being held at the SAIL address.
5) Clicking on the red 'Submit SAIL Update' will send the information to Companies House electronically on the AD02 form.