You will need to create a Membership Class in two situations. First, if you have recently imported the company to Inform Direct and seen that Companies House did not return any details for Membership Classes and secondly when you are creating a new Membership Class.  In both circumstances the process is the same.  

Note: You will need to create the Membership Class following this process before you can add any Members.

1. Go to the Membership Classes tab and click on the blue 'Create new class' button.

. This will bring up the below screen.

3. Add the new membership class details including the Membership rights.

Here is some generic wording taken from the Model Articles: Each member has the right to receive notice of, and attend general meetings. Subject to any restrictions in the articles of association of the company, every member shall be entitled to one vote.

You should check the wording accords with the Articles of Association for the company in question. If you are not sure of the wording to add please take professional advice.  

4. Once you are happy with the description of the Membership rights click the green 'Create membership class' button. 

Note: This will not generate a submission to Companies House.

5. You now have the option to generate any supporting documentation, if required.  Simply Tick against the documents you would like to create.  When ready, click the green 'Continue' button.

Note: If you are creating the Membership Class having recently imported the company to Inform Direct and you just want to add the existing Members' details you will not need the below documents.

6. Inform Direct will generate Companies House form SH11

If you are creating the Membership Class having recently imported the company to Inform Direct and you just want to add the existing Members' details then you can discard this form. You certainly should not send it to Companies House.

However, if this is a new Membership Class that has not yet been reported to Companies House, then you will need to send form SH11 to Companies House. This can either be posted, or uploaded here.

You will then be returned to the Membership Classes tab, this time showing the new Membership class you have just created.

You can now add the Members. Please see How do I add Members?