Inform Direct supports 5 different user types. 

1. Administrator

This option is generally for directors, partners, principals or senior people within the business who will have unrestricted access to all companies in your portfolio. An Administrator will be able to process the full range of transactions available as well as the ability to appoint, remove and change the access rights of other users.

There must always be at least one person who is an Administrator. The first person to register with Inform Direct will, by default, become an Administrator. This can be changed easily. It is common to have several Administrators.

How do I add someone as an Administrator?

2. Manager

This option is best suited to senior members of staff within a firm who can be trusted with access to all companies in your portfolio (although you will be able to exclude their access to selected companies if necessary).

You will have the ability to limit the type and extent of transactions a Manager can perform. These settings can be different for each Manager. To help you, Inform Direct provides a suggested set of permissions for a Manager which will probably be appropriate in most cases.

How do I add someone as a Manager?

What are the Manager settings that can be changed? 

3. Practitioner

What this role allows is highly tailorable, allowing you to create a user role that will fit your requirements. It is possible to specify which of the chargeable Companies House transactions (Confirmation Statement, Company Accounts, Formations and change of name requests) this user can complete.

What are chargeable Companies House filings? 

As well as being able to choose the companies that a Practitioner can access, you will also be able to determine whether or not a new practitioner should be able to import new companies or remove existing companies from the portfolio.

What are the Practitioner settings that can be changed?

How do I add someone as a Practitioner?

4. View only

This option is generally for junior members of staff. It is helpful because they will have the ability to see the records for all or some of the companies in your portfolio but you would not expect (or want) them to process any transactions or updates.

The 'View only' option can also be used to give a client view only access to their records. However, if you are an accountant or solicitor and are going to encourage your clients to update some of their details for their companies, then you should consider granting them 'Third party access'.

How do I add someone with View only access?

5. Third party access

This option is suited to giving someone access to just one or a few companies from a portfolio.  The 'Third party user' can have edit or view only access. If you give the user edit rights, you can select which transactions you would like them to be able to complete.

Note: A user with third party access will not be able to complete and submit chargeable Companies House filings.

What are chargeable Companies House filings?

The Third party access option is ideal for an accountant or lawyer with a diverse portfolio who like to give a client access to a particular company or companies. There is no limit to the number of users who can be given 'Third party access.'

How do I give someone Third party access?

Note: Each user must have a unique email address on the inform Direct System. If you try to enter a user's email address and there is an error, this is because that user is already registered on the system. You will need to use a different email address to add that user to your account.

Can I change the user type for an existing user?