If you have passed on the details of the companies that you wish to import to Inform Direct, then you will find them the list of current companies on your Portfolio. You will need to complete a few actions to bring these fully live.

If you have not yet passed your bulk import details to Inform Direct and wish for assistance in importing 50 or more companies, then please get in touch with us at support@informdirect.co.uk

Step 1

The imported companies will appear in Your current companies on the Portfolio, alongside those where the setup is complete. The due dates (and reminders) will operate in the same way, but full access to the data will not be possible until the setup is complete.

The first step is filtering your portfolio to those which are pending, to do this please use the drop-down at the top of the page:



Step 2 

Once filtered to pending companies, it will be easy to locate those outstanding. The set up can be completed for each, please begin by clicking the company name or blue arrow to open the record. 

The Dashboard tab will contain a note in the Alerts & Notifications table stating 'You need to complete the setup for this company'. Selecting the blue arrow will allow you to complete the set up wizard. 

Note: If the authentication code provided for the import was missing or incorrect, this will need to be added before the import can be completed. Please see How do I Update the Company Authentication Code that is Stored on Inform Direct?



Step 3

Assuming the correct Authentication Code was supplied on the import spreadsheet, then the data from Companies House should already be available and you can simply click the green "Proceed with setup" button to go to step 4 of the setup.




Step 4

Now you can check for any duplicate persons or corporations. For a full explanation (including some worked examples) of what Inform Direct will do at step 4 and how you can override or amend any assumptions if necessary please see.

What Does Step 4 of the Set Up Wizard Do?

What are Duplicate Persons?

When you are happy with the details on Step 4, click the green 'Confirm and Continue' button.



Step 5  

Now you can check for any incomplete addresses and any duplicate addresses. If an address is missing some information e.g. if there is no Building Name / Number, then a red ring will appear around the field.

For more guidance, if required: 

What Does Step 5 of the Set Up Wizard Do?

Why Does Building Name/Number Have a Red Ring Around It?

What are Duplicate Addresses?

When you are happy with the details on Step 4, click the green 'Confirm and Continue' button.



Note: Inform Direct will also look for any duplicate addresses. If it finds any it will associate them. This will make future administration of the company much easier to manage. 


Step 6

This is simply a summary page. What Does Step 6 of the Set Up Wizard Do?

There will either be:

  • No changes (or insignificant changes) made in steps 4 or 5 in which case the set up will be complete and you can view everything for the company just imported by clicking on the green 'Proceed to dashboard' and the import for this company is complete. You can now return to the portfolio and import any others that you need to.


  • If significant changes were made at Steps 4 and 5, Inform Direct will detail the filings that it wishes to make to Companies House to tidy up the records. There will be a red 'Submit to Companies House' button. You can click on the blue arrow to review the full details of the submission.


There can be scenarios which you do not wish to submit changes immediately, the final stage therefore allows you to Resolve later. This will generate a data discrepancy alert.