Duplicate addresses are any addresses that are used more than once. This can be:
- One or more person sharing an address;
- One person using the same address in several capacities; or
- A combination of the above
Here are some examples:
If a husband, wife and 2 children all own shares in a company they are likely to all live at the same address. Rather than enter the same address 4 times Inform Direct will encourage you to use just one version of the address and use it for each of the husband, wife and 2 children.
If a director has set up a business from home then their home address may be the Registered Office, their Service address and the Residential address. Again, rather than enter the same address 3 times Inform Direct will suggest you use just one version of the address for each role.
If two directors both have the same service address which also happens to be the registered office again it makes sense to use just one address each time it is required.
By merging all the duplicate addresses to just one common address in all the above examples will make future administration of the company much easier to manage. If you want to know why it will be easier to manage see: What is the benefit of merging addresses?