Inform Direct will enable you to create great looking share certificates like the one below:
1. Go to the Shareholders tab and click on 'Maintain share certificates.'
2. To produce a physical share certificate select the 'Print' option via the pencil next to the record. Then, the share certificate will be downloaded onto your computer. You can do this as often as you like.
Note: If you have not yet created your share certificate, go to: How do I create a share certificate?
3. If you need to cancel a share certificate that is no longer current, please go to: How do I delete or cancel a share certificate?
Alternatively, if the details that show on the certificate require amending, please see How Do I Edit a Share Certificate?
Note: You can create share certificates whenever you transfer or allot shares. Inform Direct will give you the option to create a new share certificate for the new holding.

There are 9 different template designs available.
If you have a company logo and you would like this to appear on your share certificates (and any dividend vouchers) first check out: How do I add my company logo?