With Inform Direct you can create great looking share certificates like this:

If you have a company logo and you would like this to appear on your share certificates (and any dividend vouchers) first check out:

How do I add my company logo?

1. Go to the Shareholders tab and click on 'Maintain share certificates.'

2. Here you can view any existing certificates. Click on 'Add new share certificates.'

3. Enter the 'Certificate issue date' and the 'Holding date'. 

Note: The Holding date is usually the date the shareholder first took ownership of the shares. However, if you are creating a consolidated share certificate then choose the date the shareholder first held all the shares you are creating the certificate for.

4. Select the 'Current holder of the shares' and Inform Direct will then show you the shares currently held by the named shareholder. Your shareholders will need a Correspondence Address.

Note: If there is only 1 current shareholder, this will just show their name.

How do I add or change a Correspondence Address?

5. Enter the Number of shares to be registered under this certificate. 

Note: You must enter a numerical figure which is a whole number.

6. Inform Direct will always choose the next available number for your 'Share certificate number.' If you are creating your first certificate, Inform Direct will pre-populate this with 1. 

Note: You cannot use letters in the certificate number.

7. Next, you can choose a certificate template that best suits your needs. There is a range of options for you to choose from.

Note: If you are not subscribed to Inform Direct, there will be a charge to use advanced templates. You can have unlimited use of these templates by subscribing.

How do I upgrade to a subscription service?

Why should I subscribe?

8. Next, you can choose to view and print immediately or return to your list of share certificates.

The certificate file name will include the Shareholder name and certificate number - this helps to find them easily in the Document library. 

NoteYou can create share certificates whenever you transfer or allot shares. Inform Direct will give you the option to create a new share certificate for the new holding.

How do I transfer shares?

How do I allot shares?