It is easy to manage your share certificates on Inform Direct, you can remove unwanted share certificates as shown below.

1. Go to the Shareholders tab and select the blue 'Maintain share certificates' button.

2. Click on the yellow pencil symbol. This will include the option to Cancel/delete certificate, please select this option.

3. You will be presented with the option to Cancel or Delete the certificate at this step

Cancel: This will move the certificate from the current list to the cancelled list. The certificate will retain it's unique number and will remain in your document library. It can be deleted at a later date. 

Delete: This will permanently remove the certificate from the current and cancelled list. The certificate is deleted from the document library and the number will become available to re-use on a new certificate. 

4. If you have a cancelled certificate which you wish to permanently delete, this is available from the maintain certificates area. Please tick cancelled to show those which are no longer current. 

Selecting the yellow pencil and Delete certificate will remove it from the list and your document library.