It is possible to upload your own documents to store on Inform Direct if you have a subscription account. This feature is not available to PAYG users. 

This method is the simplest if you have multiple documents to upload. There is also the option to upload using the Add File button but this is suitable for one at a time only.

1. Go to the Document & Reports area at the top of your screen.


2. While the Document Library page is open, simply 'drag' a document (or documents) onto the page. The screen will immediately turn blue. See below. Then 'drop' the Document anywhere within the white dotted lines.

3. As soon as you 'drop' the first document in the area inside the white dotted lines Inform Direct will check that the documents being 'dropped' do not exceed the maximum file size or the type of file you may save to your Document Library.


What Documents cannot be added to the Document Library?

If any of the documents being 'dropped' cannot be added to the Document Library you will see a rejection message and the reason the document could not be added.

4. If the Document(s) are acceptable then you will see the below screen. If you wish to add more documents you can continue to drag and drop into the darker blue area show below.


Click 'Complete' if you are happy, or 'cancel' if you made a mistake. 



5.  The document (or documents) listed will then be added to the Document Library. The documents will all be 'Untagged' at this stage.

For more information:

How Do I Add a Tag to a Document?

How Do I Restrict Access to a Document?

How Can I Remove a Document from the Document Library?

How Do I Rename a File in the Document Library?