A Free Trial is very much an opportunity to explore and use all the functionality available to a user with a subscription account without cost or commitment (save for any Companies House fees).

What are the benefits of having a Free Trial?

By the time the Free Trial comes to an end we very much hope that you will have discerned how much more efficient your practice will be if it uses Inform Direct. To maintain ongoing use of the service you will simply needed to have added some card details before the Free Trial ends. 

How do I add a card?

If the Free Trial comes to an end and you have not added any card details then, just like any other online service, the account will simply lock pending a payment. You can access the data in your account at any time. You will however be asked to make a first payment which will cover the first month from whenever you log in.

So if your Free Trial ended on the 25th August (when you were away on holiday!) and you had not added a card the account would lock the following day i.e. on the 26th August. If, on your return from holiday you do want to subscribe the system would look to take a first payment from the day you log in. So, if the day you log in to make a first payment is the 5th September then the first monthly payment period will run from 5th September to 4th October. There will be no charge for the period 26th August to 4th September. The second and all subsequent monthly payments will be taken on the 5th day of each month.

How to I re-activate my account if I did not add a card before the Free Trial ended?

What will the cost be?

Inform Direct charges a monthly amount based on the number of companies registered to your account. 

What fees are payable?

We also publish a fees calculator.

Note: If 13 months elapse since the end of the Free Trial and there has been no contact or re-activation then Inform Direct will remove all your details from the system.