Inform Direct is constantly 'polling' for a response from Companies House in relation to any filings made from the software. 

Any filing that is sent from Inform Direct to Companies House electronically will be either accepted by them, or rejected by them. 


It is easy to identify which filings have been sent electronically as you will hit a 'red' button similar to the below on any such submissions. 



In addition to this, you will see an amber 'pending' sign in the submission status of the 'Recent Activity' on the company dashboard. 

How do I know when Companies House have accepted my submission?

Once Companies House accept the submission, the submission status will read 'Complete' and turn green.


Note: If, for any reason, the transaction fails, the submission status will turn red and read 'Rejected'.  See How do I Tell why my Companies House Filing was Rejected?

In addition to this:


1) The response from Companies House will then be published in the Alerts & Notifications section on the Dashboard. The significance of this is greater if you have a portfolio since it will generate a green check alert icon.


What are the Check Alerts on My Portfolio telling me?

2)  Finally, If the transaction was:

then an email confirming success will also be sent to all users associated to the company concerned (unless they have opted not to receive email notifications for some/all of the above transactions). 

How Can I Change the Email Reminders?