If a Document is added to the Document Library automatically it will also be automatically 'tagged' and given an appropriate filename.
What Documents are automatically added to the Document Library?
However, if the Document is manually added, then the 'tags' will have to be manually added.
Automatic Tagging
Once a process has been completed on Inform Direct all documents come through to the document library.
To make it easy to find a Document another time, Inform Direct gives a document the following identifiers/tags:
- File Name
- Date Added
- Added By
- Company Tag
- Category Tag
- Document Type Tag
How do I search for a Document?
Note: If a Company changed its name, all earlier company tags are automatically changed to the new name.
You can always change the tags that were automatically given to a document.
How do I change the tags applied to a Document?
Manual Tagging
Documents not automatically added to the Document Library can be added in 1 of 3 ways:
- By using the 'Add File' feature
- By using the 'Drag and Drop' method
You will have the option to tag the document as part of the 'Add File' method, However, if you add documents using the 'Deaf and Drop' method they will appear as 'Untagged' when they are first uploaded to the Document Library.
We recommend as a minimum adding at least one tag to make it easier to locate the document. To add a tag click on the yellow pencil. For step by step instructions:
How do I add a Tag to a Document?
Note: You can always change the tags you give to a Document at a later date.