To send Inform Direct an email requesting support follow these simple steps:

1. Click the blue Help button which will always be in the bottom right of the screen when you are logged in.  This will open up a pop-up box headed Help & Support.  See 2. below


Note: If you have not already searched the library of step-by-step guides you may find this a quicker way to get help than sending an email.  See How do I search for the relevant guide?

 2. The pop-up box headed Help & Support will appear, this includes the option to search for guides or by selecting Contact Us you can send an email. 

3. You will be asked for your name and email address before sending the query, the subject and description can then be added to be explain your query.


4. There are options to take a screenshot or upload documents to help with explaining your query.

5. Click the Send Ticket button.  This will send your query to our support team.


We will always try and help as quickly as we can. Indeed, if there was no answer available that will be the catalyst for us to write a new guide.