Step 5 of the set up wizard will give you the opportunity to merge one address with another.
You can make them the same by clicking on one of the yellow chain link icons marked 'Merge with another address.'
In the below example Frank Brown's Service address for the director role has not been merged correctly with the other uses of the same address as a PSC service address and residential address (due to the postcode not matching exactly).
By selecting 'Merge with another record' this can be rectified. What is the Benefit of Merging Addresses?
Once you have selected the 'Merge with another record' button the screen will change to match the below example and you can then select the record to merge with by clicking 'Merge with selected record' or select 'Cancel' to stop the process.
Click on the address you want to merge with. Once you have merged some addresses you will then have the option to edit them. See the example below, in this case the postcode differs between the Director service address and the PSC service address. You can select the postcode drop down to choose the correct postcode. How do I edit Merged addresses?
Where a significant change has been made Inform Direct will look to update Companies House to help with the accuracy of your company records.
If the change is insignificant then you will not be asked to make a filing and instead you will see a green 'Proceed to dashboard' button.
There can be scenarios which you do not wish to submit changes immediately, the final stage therefore allows you to Resolve later. This will generate a data discrepancy alert.