When you register your first company with Inform Direct you will be sent a Welcome email to activate your account.
Note: If you have not received your Welcome Email see: What if my welcome email has not arrived?
1. The Welcome Email will look like this.
2. Click on the activation link in the email or paste it into your browser (Inform Direct supports Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Firefox).
3. You will then see the below screen. This is Step 1 of the set up wizard where you will need to choose a password.
For security reasons you must provide a password that meets, at least, the yellow colour requirements. You will need to avoid, common words and sequences and previous passwords. You may see the below:
For suggestions on how to choose a secure password see this guide.
4. Once you have chosen a password that is either amber or green in strength click the Confirm new password button.
Once you do this you be at step 2 of the set up wizard. It is here that you must enter the 6 digit company authentication code.
How does the set up wizard work?
What is the Company authentication Code?