1. Reduced administration costs

Inform Direct automatically generates an invoice for any filing that incurs a Companies House fee.  There is a separate invoice for each such transaction.  Once you use your own Presenter Code you will no longer get these invoices.  The more companies you have in your Portfolio the more you will appreciate this saving.  Once you have started using your own Presenter Code you will just get the one monthly subscription invoice from Inform Direct.

2. Remove any repetitive strain on your Credit Card

Inform Direct settles all fees from the credit card attached to your account.  Before switching to using their own Presenter Code some users experienced occasional disruptions when their credit card providers queried the number of repetitive payments of the same amount to the same merchant on the same day.

3. No forfeit of the Companies House fee if a transaction fails

Every now and again a transaction will fail.

Inform Direct will of course let you know when a submission has failed but any Companies House fees paid will be forfeit.  They will be retained by Inform Direct.  However, with you own Presenter Code, Companies House will not debit your account to recover filing fee.

4. Auto-file confirmation statements

Confirmation statements can be set up to be filed automatically without you needing to click a button. See How to set up Automated Confirmation Statement Workflows

5. Companies House will treat you as the Presenter of the filings made for your clients.
Your clients would expect their accountant or lawyer to be the presenter of the various submissions made on their behalf.  Until you use your own presenter code Inform Direct will be shown as the presenter.

6. Full access to our mortgages and charges functionality

Subscription accounts using their own presenter code can use Inform Direct to register a new mortgage or an existing charge newly acquired with Companies House. They can also inform Companies House of updates, including full or partial satisfaction, and full or partial release of a mortgage or charge. Inform Direct provides template board minutes and resolutions, prepopulated with the details of your mortgage transaction and will also automatically update your ‘Register of mortgages and charges’ to reflect your mortgage transactions.

7. Companies House provide up to 60 days credit.

Companies House only take payment 30 days after a month end. So, a fee made in February would only require settlement at the end of March. This means Companies House provide up to 60 days credit.

8. Companies House provide a detailed breakdown of the payments made.

The statements provided by Companies House make for very easy reconciliation.  You can see which company any payments relate to, the amount and the transaction type e.g. Formation, Annual Return, Change of Name etc

9. If your credit card is compromised you can still make filing at Companies House

If you lose your credit card or it is stolen the bank will cancel it.  So the payments to file a CS01 etc will not be able to be made.  If you have your own presenter code you will still be able to process chargeable transactions. (This is something we have seen happen)

It is really easy to get your own presenter code:

How do I get my own Presenter Code?