Not only is Inform Direct a pleasure to use but we are confident you will find that if you offer a Company Secretarial service to clients, then it will save you money too.
1. There is nothing to purchase or upload. It is FREE to get started and explore the system before making any decision.
2. It is cloud based, so it can be accessed anywhere, - so no more waiting until you are back in the office before anything can be processed.
3. Each partner or manager/employee in your firm can have their own login.
4. You can add or remove client companies as required, so no need to pay for a licence that you do not use.
5. Our low-cost subscription service is all-inclusive. There are no hidden costs to access any of the advanced functionality.
6. There is no limit on the number of transactions you can process.
7. The time taken to process transactions using Inform Direct will generally be quicker than the time it would take to log on to Companies House website and enter the details for the equivalent transaction.
8. It frees up the space and cost of a strongroom for storing all those Statutory Books
9. It removes the need to 'remember' to write up/amend the various registers within Statutory Books after each transaction, since Inform Direct will do this automatically. So no more red faces at completion meetings if the Statutory Books have been allowed to get out of date.
10. Lastly, if you are running a professional practice, your PI insurers will want evidence that you have a good diary system to track filing deadlines. Inform Direct provides both the portfolio screen with coloured alerts and email reminders for time critical deadlines.
So how much might be saved?
Taking all the above into account, we estimate that you can save about 15 minutes per company per year by using Inform Direct. This equates to 25 hours/year for each 100 companies you are responsible for. If your time is charged at £100/hour then in the absence of any other system this will give you savings of £2,500/year per 100 companies. We repeat. £2,500 per annum per 100 companies.
The savings per company may actually increase the more companies you have. This is because the ease of managing say 500 companies on the Inform Direct platform will be that much more if previously they had been managed on separate systems across different offices, whereas the fees Inform Direct charge decrease per company as you add more.
Try it for yourself. If you do not achieve the sort of savings indicated, then you can stop using the service at any time without any ongoing obligation.
The pricing section of our website has a facility for you to calculate exactly how much you would pay. Here is the link.