We will have you up and running in minutes. Here is a step by step guide to getting started:
1. Go to www.informdirect.co.uk and click on the green Start now button.
2. This will take you to the registration screen shown below, where you will be presented with two options.
I do the company secretarial work for...
- My own company, if this is the case please continue to step 3 below.
- My clients' companies, If you are planning to use the software to manage client companies please see our guide How Should a Professional Get Started?
3. Simply hit Select within the My own company box, then enter your email address and click Sign up.
4. Enter your name into the first name and last name fields, then move the cursor to the box headed Company name or registration number and start typing a company name.
Note: You will need the 6 digit Companies House authentication code for the company you register
5. When the correct match is shown, highlight the choice by moving the cursor over it and then click on it. If the correct match is not yet showing type in some more characters until it does show.
Note: If the company has just been incorporated, please wait one day before you can see it.
6. The act of clicking on the highlighted name will then populate the company name or registration number box for you.
Note: If only one company name is listed you must still highlight it and click on it to populate the Company name or registration number box.
7. Selecting Continue will generate a welcome email. It will be sent to the email address entered during the previous steps.
8. A welcome email containing a temporary link will then be emailed to you. This should not take more than a minute or so to arrive. Click on the link and you will then be able to set your password and import the company.
The welcome email & setting a password
What if my welcome email has not arrived?
9. Once the password has been set, the process will require the authentication code for your company to be entered. If you do not have the code and wish to import another company instead please see I Don't Have the Authentication Code for the Company I Started to Register With.
For details of why this is required please see Why do I need to Provide the Company Authentication Code?
In the event you do not have a record of the authentication code there is an option to Send me my code. This will send a reminder of the current authentication code by post to the registered office address of the company.
10. The company import process will then begin. This will bring in the current data from Companies House, for further details of how this works see How Does the Set Up Wizard Work?
11. If you have more than one company, once you have successfully completed the set up of one company it is very simple to add others. See How do I add a second (and subsequent) company?