Companies House will use the registered email address to communicate about the company, for example to send reminders or to query or challenge information held on the public record.

Companies House has advised that we can expect to receive the standard communications that would have previously been posted to the registered office address. For example, a common reason for Companies House to reach out is to query a companies PSC register. 

The legislation ensures that the email address provided will remain private. In the same way as the residential address of directors and PSCs, it will not be published on the public register or otherwise shown to unauthorised users. You will, however, be able to see the registered email address for each of your companies when logged into Inform Direct.

Until the email has been reported, much of this communication is via post, or by email to the presenter of submissions. In time, we can expect more messages to be delivered by email – which will be quicker and more convenient for many companies – with only limited information sent via post.

In truth we cannot know for sure as the implementation of the new ECCT act brings new powers to Companies House which are only just starting to be utilised. For more information on the ECCT act and Companies House changes please see our blog.