When allotting or transferring shares to a shareholder that already exists in the company, Inform Direct gives you the option to select the existing person. However, if you did not select the existing shareholder record, or perhaps the data on Companies House had 2 instances for the same individual you may see 2 records for the same shareholder. Inform Direct makes this easy to tidy up.
Below, Frank Brown, is an example of how the record will appear on the 'Shareholder' tab if there is more than 1 instance of the same shareholder.
This is easy to correct.
1. Select the blue arrow next to either instance of the individual.
Note: This process can also be used where an individuals record has been incorrectly imported as a corporate entity providing that the merge process is commenced from the individuals record and not the corporate person.
2. Select the 'Merge with another person' blue button on the right hand side.
3. The Merge with another person button opens a page which lists the other persons within the company. Next to each will be an i icon which allows you to view their existing roles within the company.
There is then a Use this person button to confirm that it is the record which you wish to merge with.
Note: You may see more than 1 option to merge with here if the individual in question has additional roles within the company i.e. director or PSC. The i button will provide more information. In such cases this the merge process should be completed as many times as necessary to link all relevant records.
4. After selecting Use this person with the record that you wish to merge with you will be taken to a Merged person's details page. This step gives you an opportunity to ensure that the personal details of the individual are consistent and will flag any items which do not match between the records to be merged.
When you are happy with the information, select the green 'Continue' button.
5. If there are no inconsistencies then the process is complete.
However, if there are, depending on the nature of the inconsistency, at the final stage of the merge process you may be prompted to complete a Companies House submission to update the record which was incorrect.
If a submission to Companies House is required, the summary stage will detail this and show a red Submit to Companies House button as shown below. Once the red button is selected, Inform Direct will make a filing to Companies House to update whichever record held the incorrect data.