Inform Direct allows you to edit the Personal Details of anyone on the system.

1. First locate the individual - they will be listed under the Shareholders tab.

2. Click on the pencil option opposite their name.

3. The option to 'Edit personal details' will appear. Click on this and all the details relating to the individual will then show. You can edit it as required.

The data required for a shareholder is:

  • Their full name - This will be reported to Companies House via a confirmation statement. 
  • The shareholder contact address - This is only reported to Companies House at incorporation of the company. Aside from that, it remains privately stored. 

There are number of additional personal information fields, these are optional for somebody whose only role in the company is shareholder. If somebody is also an officer or PSC, further information will be required including date of birth, residential address and nationality. 

You can also record custom information for shareholders, to do this see How do I add new custom fieldsHow to display custom fields for persons

If you are happy with the changes you have made click on the green 'Save changes to details' button.