It is generally accepted that a two-step verification process of logging into any online account is more secure than just having a password (1 step).

What is two-step verification?

Inform Direct give all our users with a subscription account the choice of whether to implement a two-step verification step before they can log in.

So users without a subscription account or those who have not yet activated two-step verification will login to Inform Direct as usual with their:

  • Email address
  • Password            **************

Users who have activated two-step verification will only be able to login to their Inform Direct account with their:

  • Email address
  • Password            **************
  • A 6 digit verification code

How do I activate two-step step verification on my Inform Direct account?

If for whatever reason you decide that two-step verification is no longer appropriate you can easily switch back.

How do I disable two-step verification?