Inform Direct makes it very easy to file Dormant Company Accounts.
How do I file Dormant Company Accounts?
It is possible to automate generating the approval document, with an option to email it directly to the client. For further details on this, please see How to set up automated dormant company account workflows.
For users with a subscription account there is an optional Approval required step (at Step 4) in the Dormant Company Accounts wizard. It is optional.
- Select No and you can continue the process and submit the Dormant Accounts directly to Companies House without an approval.
- Select Yes and the Approval required process begins.
1. Having selected Yes above then at Step 5 you will see the Net assets and Shareholders' fund and the Company Account Details.
Check the details before clicking the green Continue button to go to the next step.
2. You will then be given the option to produce any supporting documents - In this example: a board minute.
Note: You will need to tick the box for the board minute to be generated. Clicking continue will continue the approval process.
3. The supporting documents and draft Dormant Company Accounts can be downloaded and opened immediately if required. Alternatively you can open the documents later since copies will be stored in the document and template library.
4. Once the documents have been saved or downloaded you can finish the Approval process on Inform Direct.
Now for the clever bits...
A new Pending Approvals section appears on the Dashboard for the company. If you click on the yellow pencil icon under Actions you will see 3 options:
- Complete the the submission
- Edit the draft
- Remove the draft
So, if the person who needs to approve the Dormant Company Accounts gives you the authority to submit them simply click on Complete.
The Portfolio Screen which lists all your companies (see below) will also show whether there are any pending approvals and how many. So in the below image there is 2 pending approval for LATICS PLC and 1 for both COSEC NINJA LIMITED and THE PROFESSIONALS LLP.
Not only will Inform Direct indicate how many Pending approvals are outstanding the system will also provide a traffic light system (Red, Amber Green) advising how long it has been since the old document requiring approval was created:
- Green – less than 4 days old
- Amber – 4 to 10 days old
- Red – more than 10 days old
Finally, if you create the same document again while there is already a set of Dormant Company Accounts pending Approval then Inform Direct will detect this and show you the below message.
Which users can submit or create a pending Dormant accounts?
Administrators, they are given access to all areas.
Managers, as they are automatically able to submit chargeable Companies House filings.
Practitioners, only those that have the ability to submit submit chargeable Companies House filings.