Once Companies House have approved your application for a Presenter Code with a credit facility they will send you two letters under separate cover (for security).

Remember that a Presenter Code is made up of two elements:

  1. Your Presenter Authentication Code; and
  2. Your Presenter ID

The first letter will contain your Presenter Authentication Code.

This will always be 11 characters which will be a mixture of digital and upper case letters. e.g. AB74C19JEXT

Note: this is different to the 6 digit company authentication code that you would use to import a company into Inform Direct.

The second letter will contain your Presenter ID and notify you of your credit account number and limit.

This will always be just 11 digits. e.g. 00012321000

Once you have both of these letters, you can add these details to your Inform Direct account.

How do I add my own Presenter Code?

Note: The presenter ID (11 digits long) and presenter authentication code (11 characters which can be either digital or upper case letters) ARE NOT the same as the email address and password that you may have used for web filing.