If you have forgotten your password or your welcome email has not arrived you can request a new password by following this simple procedure:

1. Click on any of the log in buttons at www.informdirect.co.uk

2. This will take you to the below screen.

3. Click on the 'Forgot password?' link

4. This will take you to the Forgotten password screen.  Re-enter your email address and click on the the green 'Reset Password' button.

Note: Please ensure the email address is input correctly as for security reasons you will not be prompted if the email address is incorrect or not recognised.

6. You should then receive an email with the wording similar to the below.  

7. Click on the link and you will be able to reset your password.  If the link will not work when you click on it (some browsers disable links) you will have to copy and paste it into your browser. Do be sure to include all of it starting with https://secure

Note: You will need to do this within 20 minutes of requesting the new Password.

For security reasons you must provide a password that meets, at least, the yellow colour requirements. You will need to avoid, common words and sequences and previous passwords. You may see the below:

Note: If you were registering for the first time you will then start the set up wizard.  If you already have an account you will then have access to your company.

For guidance on how to choose a secure password click here.