Step 6 of the set up wizard is a summary page.

For the full process please see How Does the Set Up Wizard Work?

At the final step, depending on whether inconsistencies were found in the data there will either be:

1. No changes made in the earlier steps in which case the set up will be complete and you can view everything for the company just imported by clicking on the green 'Proceed to dashboard' button; or

2. If some changes were made at steps 4 and 5, Inform Direct will work out if any of them need to be advised to Companies House. e.g. If there has been a change to the postcode for the registered office then details of the new ('correct') postcode will need to be sent to Companies House. Inform Direct will do this for you electronically.

There can be scenarios which you do not wish to submit changes immediately, the final stage therefore allows you to Resolve later. This will generate a data discrepancy alert.  

To review any such changes before confirming them click on the blue downwards pointing arrow.

If the changes are all as expected click on the red 'Confirm Changes' button.

This will complete the set up process.