Corporates can be added as a Relevant Legal Entity (RLE) in the PSC Register.

1. Go to the PSCs tab and select 'Add new PSC/RLE.'

2. Select 'Known relevant legal entity' from the options presented and click the green 'Next' button.

3. Add the Company or LLP name and Registration number.

Note: If you start typing and the name is already known to Inform Direct it will recognise it (from existing details held for the company) and offer the Company/LLP as a PSC. When this happens, select the green 'Add PSC' button opposite the full name.

4. Enter the date the RLE was first identified. There are 2 supplementary questions which default to 'No.' Change them to 'yes' if appropriate then select 'Next.'

4a. Was the existence of a potential RLE/PSC known before this person was actually identified? If you answer 'Yes,' enter the date as prompted.


4b. Has a notice been issued to the PSC or any other person under section 790D of the Companies Act? If you answer 'Yes,' go to 'What do I do if a 790D notice has been issued to a PSC/RLE?'

5. Add the additional information required for an RLE.

6. Next, enter the Significant Control Criteria for the RLE.


Note: It can be more than one. However, you can only answer 'Yes' to Q 4 if the answer to Q1, 2 and 3 are all 'No'. If the answer to any of Q1, 2 or 3 is 'Yes' then the answer to Q4 defaults to 'No'. With regard to either Shareholding or Voting rights more detail is required. Clicking 'Yes' will reveal these options.

There are also two subsections below. Click on the titles to reveal the options if applicable. When you are finished, select 'Next.'

7. Before submitting the new RLE details to Companies House there is an opportunity to produce a summary document, this can be used to get approval before making the submission. Selecting Yes will take you through the process to create the approval document.

How do I prepare draft documents to add a PSC?

Selecting No does not create the summary document and proceeds to step 8 below. 

Note: The approval document feature is only available to subscribers to the software. What are the benefits of subscribing to Inform Direct?

8. Then you can review the details in the summary by clicking 'View details'. When you are happy, click 'Submit to Companies House.'

Note: Once you click the red button it is sent immediately to Companies House. There is nothing that we can do until Companies House accept or reject the filing.