Your PSC, RLE or individual has been issued a notice under 790D of the companies Act?

Begin recording a new PSC/RLE.

How do I record a PSC?

How do I record a RLE?

1. When you come to this screen, you will need to select 'Yes.'

2. You now need to enter two dates. Then you are offered another question: 'Has a restrictions notice been issued under paragraph 1 of Schedule 1B to the Companies Act 2006?'

3. If you answer this question 'No,' then you can click 'Next.' If you answer 'Yes,' then you will need to enter the 'Date restrictions notice was issued.' Then you are offered another question: 'Has the restrictions notice been withdrawn?'

4. If you answer this question 'No,' then you can click 'Next.' If you answer 'Yes,' then you will need to enter the 'Date the restrictions notice was withdrawn' and 'The restriction was withdrawn by:'

5. Once you completed all the applicable fields, select 'Next.'

How do I record a PSC?

How do I record a RLE?