If you formed the Company using Inform Direct then the following documents are automatically added to your Document Library:

  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Memorandum of Association
  • Articles of Association

However if the company was formed elsewhere (or a long time ago) you can easily find and add these documents to your Document Library.

A. If you have hard copies simply scan them in as a PDF and save to the Document Library.

How do I add a Document to the Document Library?

B. If you do not have a hard copy you can now recover a soft copy from Companies House.

1. Go to https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk

2. Add the name of your company

3. Click on the Filing history tab

4. Find the latest set of Articles.  Often these will be part of the original application to incorporate the company but check right up to today's date to see if new Articles have been subsequently adopted - as in the below example where the company started with Model Articles but then adopted bespoke Articles.

5.  Select the blue View PDF option.  This will give you a copy of the form IN01, certificate of Incorporation and Memorandum of Association as applicable

6. Since the Model Articles are ubiquitous they are not stored for each company by Companies House.  You can access a version here.

7. Add the required documents to your Document Library.

How do I add a Document to the Document Library?