The Register of Directors is a record of everyone (both individuals and corporates) who is and who has served as a director of the Company.

The details should include:

  • Name (surname + forenames or company details)
  • Service address (the latest one)
  • DoB
  • Nationality
  • Country of Residence
  • Business Occupation
  • Date appointed
  • Date terminated (this is left blank if the director is still serving)


Companies House will only supply details of the current directors as at the date the company is successfully imported into Inform Direct.  So no details will show for anyone who had ceased to be a director prior to the company being imported.

Note: To record director appointments or terminations for a date after the date of import you should use the application.

How do I appoint a director?

How do I terminate a director's appointment?

To add details of a director whose appointment ended prior to the date of import follow these steps:

1. Click on the green 'Add Historic Director' button.

2. This will bring up the below pop up box.


3. Select whether the person is an individual or a company and then populate their details accordingly.

4. When done click on the green 'Save changes to Register' button.

5. The details of the historic director will then be added.

To help you find the director you will see the record marked 'RECENTLY UPDATED'. This will disappear after a while but a permanent record that the details for this director have been added rather than imported is denoted by the little green triangle in the corner of each column.

6. If you let the cursor hover over any record which you have previously added (i.e. one with green corners) it will become highlighted and read 'Edit this record' as per the below.  If you want to edit the record simply click on it and it will take you to step 2 above.

Note: Editing the Register of Directors does not update any other register nor does it send any message to Companies House.

When it comes to printing the Registers any details added in the above manner will be indistinguishable from details which were automatically included when the company was first imported.