Where an action has been saved pending approval it will remain on the Dashboard tab of the company ready to be completed.

Pending approvals are available to all subscribers to Inform Direct. 

During a process on the software a step will appear asking Is approval required before this information is submitted to Companies House? 

Once saved, the pending approval it will appear on your portfolio screen to identify which companies you outstanding pending actions on. 

To complete the action please follow the steps below:


1. Click the blue arrow on the right-hand side of the Portfolio screen to open the company record. 

2. This will bring you to the Dashboard tab for the company. Half way down the screen there will be a table titled Pending Approvals. 

3. Selecting the Yellow pencil next to the pending approval will allow you to:

  • Complete - This will take you through to a summary screen and complete the action, submitting to Companies House if required.
  • Edit - Allows you to make changes to the pending approval. A new approval document can then be produced. 
  • Remove - If the action is no longer required, it can be removed.