You are able to personalise your portfolio screen to show the information most relevant to you.  The short video below will give you some useful examples

The portfolio screen has a default setting.  However, to make the Portfolio more useful you can have multiple views each one containing information you want to see, in addition to this you are also able to add custom fields.

How do I add new custom fields?

Note: Personalisation of the portfolio screen and adding custom fields are only open to subscribers to the software. What are the benefits of subscribing to Inform Direct?

To create a new Portfolio view i.e. one different to the default setting follow these simple steps:

1.  Click on Your Profile and select Your portfolio settings on the left hand side of the screen.

Note: If you have not created any alternative portfolio screen views you will just see the Inform Direct default setting as above.

2.  Select Add new portfolio settings and the screen below will appear. You will need to give the new view you are creating a name e.g. Tax Deadlines.

3. Add a name for this portfolio setting, you are able to have multiple settings to pick from so it is advisable to label it clearly by name. This allows you to have multiple combinations extra fields depending on the information you would like to see.

4. Just below this, you can select the number of companies to appear per page on your portfolio screen, this will allow you to adjust the companies to a preferred amount per page. 

Note: The search function on the portfolio will find companies on any page, not just those in the first page returned. 

5. You are then able to tick fields which you wish to appear on the portfolio, you can have a maximum of 13 fields displayed on your portfolio. 

Note: If you are likely to be using the software on a mobile device, fewer columns are advisable. If width of the screen is not wide enough to accommodate all columns they will be reduced. Clicking the company name in this case will reveal the remaining information below the record. 

The portfolio screen fields can be moved to rearrange there order. To do this you simply need to drag the field to its new position, hold the mouse down on the ||| field and release when in its preferred position.

Note: In some cases, 2 fields of information are merged. These merged records relate to the date to file the confirmation statement and accounts. The portfolio screen automatically shows the date and the period until that date, you can untick one if you don't need both of these. 

6. The settings can then be saved at the bottom of the screen. This takes you back to Your portfolio settings where you can select which of the Portfolio settings configurations you wish to use. This can be selected using the yellow pencil option.