Where a share option scheme has been created and the share options granted, you will then be able to exercise share options. 

If the share option scheme is yet to be created, or the options the company has granted have not been added please see our guides:

How do I add a new Share Option Scheme?

How do I Grant New Share Options?

1. From the Shareholders tab, the options will be displayed together with any shareholdings next to the people to which they have been granted as shown below. Clicking the yellow pencil allows you to exercise these options or remove them. 

2. This allows you to enter the date the options are being exercised and the number of options exercised. The total amount paid on exercise is calculated based on the information entered when granting share options. 

The bottom row of the image relates to how the exercise is being met, this is most commonly an allotment of new shares, but if the company has shares held in treasury you will be able to select they are being transferred from treasury from a drop-down list. Please see our blog. If the shares are not currently owned in treasury, but a transfer is required (rather than an allotment), a purchase of shares can be completed How Does a Company Purchase Its Own Shares?

3. Before completing the process it allows you to produce a summary form to get approval. Selecting yes to this will leave it as a pending submission ready to complete from the Dashboard tab when appropriate. Clicking No will continue to step 4. 

Note: The approval option is only available to subscribers of the software. What are the benefits of subscribing to Inform Direct 

4. The final stage is a summary of the exercise options with the button to submit this to Companies House where the exercise was met by an allotment of shares. 

5. Populated supporting documentation can be created for the exercising of options by ticking to produce any which are required.