Share option schemes can be created within Inform Direct to allow options to be granted and exercised

If you require further information on this subject before starting, please see our blog: Employee share schemes and options

1. The scheme can be added under the Share Classes tab by selecting Add new option scheme on the right hand side.

Note: This will not report any changes to Companies House, a submission will only be made when options are exercised. No details are sent to HMRC from Inform Direct.  


2. The first stage of the process allows you to enter the share option scheme details, firstly you will need to enter the scheme name and date on which it was set up

3. Following this you can select the type of option scheme from the drop-down box provided and the share class which it relates to. 

4. You can enter the HMRC Registration Number

5. Next you will be able to add the class which the scheme relates to and a description of the scheme.

5. Once confirmed, the scheme has been created and the software will allow you to produce populated supporting documentation

Note: Documents are included in a subscription account but are individually charged for pay as you go users. What are the benefits of subscribing to Inform Direct

6. The scheme will then appear on the Share Classes tab ready to grant new options. How do I Grant New Share Options?


Note: Clicking the blue arrow next to the option scheme opens the full details including current option holders and the transactions.