The process to add a new PSC/RLE includes an option to download a draft document, this can be used to gain approval before making a submission to Companies House. 

1. Please begin the process of adding a PSC/RLE by following the appropriate guide below.

How do I record a PSC?

How do I record an RLE?

How do I record an unknown person as a PSC?

How do I record an unconfirmed PSC?

Note: The approval document feature is only available to subscribers to the software. What are the benefits of subscribing to Inform Direct?

2. During the process to add a PSC you will be presented with the option below asking if approval is required before making the submission to Companies House. 

3. Clicking Yes and Continue will produce a document which includes the details of the appointment. Selecting No will proceed to submit the appointment to Companies House without creating an approval document. 

After clicking Yes, Inform Direct will create a summary document and will be saved into your Document Library. You will be given the chance to open the summary document Now or save for later, selecting to Open Now downloads the documents in a zip file in addition to saving them to your Document Library. 

4. The approval document created displays the information as detailed below, it includes a section located at the bottom of the document which can be signed and dated. 

5. The submission will now remain as a Pending Approval on the dashboard until completed or removed by the user. You will also see a notification displayed on your portfolio screen as a reminder. 

6. On the company dashboard the actions button next to the pending approval provides the options to complete (send the details to Companies House), edit (Change any details before submitting) or remove (if you no longer require to make this submission) the pending submission. 

7. Selecting Complete will proceed to a simple summary screen which will allow you to make the submission to Companies House.