When a company is imported into Inform Direct, Companies House provide details of each current shareholder.

If the previous software used to make filings to Companies House grouped the forename and surname of a shareholder in one field Companies House will believe that it is a company rather than and individual.

The key way to identify this on Inform Direct is that the full shareholder name will appear in block capitals and not just the surname, this only usually occurs for corporate records. 

Please see the example below for EDNA BROWN.

Selecting the blue arrow next to the shareholder record will help to confirm it is a corporate as the fields which appear will be Company registration number, service address and other corporate related fields rather than personal information. 

On the right-hand side of the page there will be a Convert to individual button, this will allow you to adjust the record of the shareholder from a corporate to an individual person. 

Note: The Convert to individual button will not appear if the shareholder name ends in Limited, LTD, LLP or other commonly known company name endings, as these would indicate that it is correct to be shown as a corporate record. 

This will bring up details of the conversion for you to review.

The last word will become the surname, in cases where this is not correct please do not worry. Shareholder details can be edited easily after the conversion has taken place. 

Clicking Convert to individual will complete the process and return you to the shareholders page.

If the personal details of the shareholder do need adjusting, or if you wish for it to show in lower case rather than capitals, please select the yellow pencil next to the shareholder and Edit personal details.