Inform Direct makes it very easy to create a new share class. You would do this before you allot shares for this new class you can also create a new share class as part of the allotment process.
To create a new share class follow these steps:
1. Go to the Share Classes tab and select the blue Share reorganisation button. See below
2. This will bring up the several options. Select Create new share class.
3. This will start the Share Class wizard. Details of the new share class can be entered at this point. Inform Direct will only send details of this share class to Companies House when the first shares of the new class are allotted.
4. You will be given the chance to create any supporting documents which you may require for creating a share class.
Note: You should ensure the the articles of association for the company support the new share class you are creating. You may need to amend or adopt new articles of association.
5. If you have created the new share class in error then, before you have allotted any shares, you can easily remove it.