Consolidating shares means to increase the nominal value of each share.

1. Go to the 'Share classes' tab and select the 'Share reorganisation' button.

2. Click on the 'Share consolidation' option and click 'Next'.

3. Complete the wizard to consolidate your shares. You are given the option to create a new share class through this process if you need to.

4. Before submitting the consolidation you will be asked if approval is required, this allows you to create a summary document to be approved prior to creating the Companies House form.


Note: The approval feature is only available to subscribers of the software. What are the benefits of subscribing to Inform Direct? Pay as you go users will skip straight to the step below.

Note: Once pending, the approval for the action can be completed from the company dashboard tab.

At the end of the process you can produce the supporting documents you might need: What supporting documents are available when I consolidate shares?

Note: Remember that Companies House still needs the paper form for any transaction other than an allotment (SH01). Inform Direct will happily populate the relevant form(s) for you following a consolidation. All you need to do is sign them and send to CH.