Whenever you allot or transfer shares in Inform Direct the wizard will ask who the shares are going to and present you with 3 options:

- Individual

- Corporate

- Joint

Select Joint. If there are already some joint shareholders in existence these will all be listed (showing the names of each joint shareholder). If the joint shareholder you want already exists you can simply click on the green 'Select' button opposite their names.  This way you will not have to re-enter any data since all the details of the joint shareholder will already be known to Inform Direct. If there are no existing joint shareholders then none will be suggested.

If the joint shareholders receiving the shares - whether by allotment or transfer - do not already exist then you will need to create a new joint shareholder record. Inform Direct makes this simple. Start by clicking the green 'Create new shareholder' button.

This will start the joint shareholder creation wizard.

1. You will be asked whether the first named joint shareholder is a Corporate or an Individual. Select accordingly and press 'Next'.

2. Then add the details. As you start typing their details if the Corporate or Individual is recognised by Inform Direct the system will offer up options as in the below example. If one of the options is the record you want click on the green 'Use this person'. Otherwise enter their details manually and click the green 'Create new shareholder' button. Either option will create the first named joint shareholder.

3.  You will now see a summary of the details of the first named Shareholder details.

4.  To add the second person (Individual or Corporate) to the joint shareholding click on the green 'Add next joint shareholder' button.

5.  Once you have added the details of the second person you will be asked whether you want to add any more names.  If you do want to add more names click on the 'Add next joint shareholder' button. If there are no more names to add press 'Complete'.

6. You can add up to 10 named persons (both individuals and corporates) as joint shareholders. Once you have added all the names required you should press 'complete'.

7. You will now have the opportunity of adding a designation. This is very useful if the shares are being held on trust or by a pension fund. If you would like to add 're Amanda Settlement Trust' or 're 700123' then type in exactly what you would like to see appear including, if required, the word 're'. If no designation is required simply leave the 'No' button ticked and press 'Next'.

8. Inform Direct will automatically update all the statutory registers with the new joint shareholder details.