Inform Direct allows you to amend the nationality of anyone on the system.

This can be very useful when completing the PSC Register and the nationality which pre-populates in the register is in an unrecognised format. e.g "Uk" or "Britsh" etc.

Note: Companies House has some strict validation rules on the PSC values we submit to them. However, the data that they provide on import often doesn’t meet their own validation rules!

1. First locate the individual - they could be showing on the PSCs, Officers or Shareholders tab.

2. Click on the pencil opposite their name and select 'Edit Personal Details.''

3. The Date of Change will default to today's date. You can change the date but you cannot enter a future date nor can you go back in time to a date prior to the last confirmation statement or Date of IncorporationYou can edit it as required.

4. If the nationality is blank or incorrect you must use the dropdown box to select the new nationality.

Note: Great Britain is not a nationality.

5. Before submitting the change to Companies House there is an opportunity to produce a summary document, this can be used to get approval before making the submission. Selecting Yes will take you through the process to create the approval document.  How do I prepare draft documents to change the details of a PSC? 

Selecting No does not create the summary document and proceeds to the next step below.

5You will be provided with a summary of the change at the point which you submit to Companies House.