Sometimes we are asked to 'move' a company from one Portfolio to another.

This will often be the case if:

A. A user did not set up a portfolio to begin with and registered say 5 different companies with 5 different logins (each one requiring a different email address)

B. A company appointing a new professional firm.

We should be pleased to assist with transferring the company's in question from one portfolio to another. This can be requested via email to 

We will first need a full list of the companies to be transferred - both the company name & company number. This list should be sent from an administrator on the existing account confirming that they wish for the companies to be transferred to the new portfolio, with an administrator from the receiving account copied in.

Once we have been provided with a list of companies, we will need email confirmation from an administrator on the receiving account acknowledging they are happy to receive the list of companies in said list. Both parties should be copied in to the same email thread so that we have a clear audit trail of the companies due to transfer and the confirmation from both parties that they are happy for the transfer to take place. Once we have been provided the list of companies due to transfer, and we have confirmation from both parties in the same email thread we will look to action the transfer.  

Please note, whilst we can transfer the company records themselves and any history in the registers, we cannot transfer any documents that are held in the Document Library. So you will need to arrange this separately.