The power of the Document Library is the simplicity with which documents can be added and the ease with which they can be retrieved.

The retrieval process is greatly assisted if the document you are looking for has been well tagged.
Inform Direct provide 3 different categories Tag:
  • Company
  • Category
  • Document Type

Inform Direct suggest 13 different Categories to choose from when tagging a document. You can add your own if you would like. Simply click the Add new link. This could be useful if there was a project and you wanted to tag all documents related to this project with the project name.

We would expect that any document you add to the Document Library can be tagged with an appropriate and fitting Category e.g. AGM

The benefit of this is when you come to search for the document.

How do I search for a Document?

This is because if you filter your search to return only documents that have been tagged with the Category AGM, the list soon becomes much more manageable and you will quickly identify the exact Document you are looking for.