Workflows can be created to help make the dormant accounts filing process more efficient, these workflows can auto-generate the accounts and the approval documents. These workflows can also be set up to send the approval documents to clients.

For details of how to create workflows see How to set up Dormant Company Accounts Workflows

Workflows created are not applied automatically to existing companies in your portfolio, they will need to be added on a company by company basis. 

Within the company which you wish apply an automation workflow, please select the Company tab. On the right-hand side the bottom option will be Edit workflows. 

The Edit workflows area will show a dormant company accounts Workflow section. 

By default, for an existing company held on your portfolio it will be set to None. Selecting the drop-down will allow you to pick the workflow settings which you would like to apply to that company.

Selecting the required option and clicking Continue will set this workflow for the company.

You will be returned to the Workflows section under the Company tab which will show all current Workflows for the company. It will include the date (based on the current due date) that the automation will take place. 


If you apply a workflow which emails an approval document to the client, but no sender email addresses have been set up, you will see the below screen. It will link to our guide How to set up sender email addresses

Where the email approval to client is enabled, upon reaching the set number of days before the due date for the automation, an email will be sent to the client with the dormant company accounts approval summary.